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Why spreadsheets are the actual worst

We asked some sellers what their biggest challenges were when it comes to knowing their costs. Here’s what they had to say— “The biggest pain point for me is just organizing all the information into an easy format so I know exactly what the total costs are—but also how each area is itemized and breaks […]

Tax Planning Strategies For Ecommerce Sellers

  Running a successful e-commerce business on platforms like Amazon Marketplace can be incredibly rewarding. However, it also comes with its own set of financial challenges, including tax obligations. As an e-commerce seller, you want to maximize your profits while minimizing your tax liability. Explore essential tax planning strategies that can help you achieve just […]

Bookkeepers Can Help Sellers Calculate Accurate Cost Per Unit

As an Amazon seller, you are continuously looking to maximize your profits and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. Because of this, you know that understanding your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is paramount. Calculating a precise cost per unit is an essential step in optimizing your profit margins. We’re going explore […]

Six profit-generating habits of successful sellers

Six profit-generating habits of successful Amazon sellers “People don’t decide their futures. They decide their habits, and then their habits decide their future.” Are you looking for ways to correct, change, or build upon your business habits? Here are the top six profit-generating habits of successful Amazon sellers: Habit #1: Be efficient with your time. […]

What’s the greatest time-suck in your ecommerce business?

This year might feel a little different—just like all of 2020 felt a little(?) different—but one thing we know for sure is that ecommerce business is booming. After a year of lockdowns and social distancing, more people are buying more things online than ever before, and it doesn’t seem like this will change once the […]